
AK Magazine Change and the Universal Approach.

Someone had posted this on another forum and I feel that it is important to comment on a few things here... BTW, this isn't anyone I know and the video is short and grainy. Let me add "Wow!" here now too just to give credit where credit is due!

The guys OODA loop is working in high gear here:
  1. Turn rifle to check bolt for malfunction
  2. Drop to knee/get covered
  3. Change magazine (I think that drop of empty is not good, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...)
  4. Work the bolt with the left hand
  5. Get back into the game.
  6. I don't know why he turns the rifle sideways after getting up, but whatever.

What is interesting is that the AK doesn't have (or IMHO need) a bolt hold open device and the mags don't drop free; with practice it is still possible to work your magic and get fast. However, most important is to get behind cover/move.

Notice what take the longest amount of time? The magazine change...

However tactical and cool you are and however much you have practiced, it is still most important to give yourself the space to perform correctly. Imagine doing this under stress!

As Bob Houznega said, "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast" until you have made the motion second nature. (Like this AK guy has... wow.)


Towards Developing a "Universal" Approach for Dealing with Multiple Platforms

This post will not say much that is "new". Rather, it will focus on a few points and highlight some mental conditioning that may do more for us in the long run. There is a large debt of "ah, I get it!" owed to "Anthony" (of the Suarez forum) and Suarez for making me cognizent of these techniques

I basically train with two different rifle platforms, FAL and AK, and train with whatever semi-automatic pistols I have handy. Someone asked me how I juggle the different platforms...

Focus on the similarites
In my mind there are more similarities and overlaps between semi-auto rifles than differences.
This holds doubly true for semi-auto pistols. Further, there are definite similarities between the semi-auto rifle and pistols. The trick is seeing them all as the same HW.

Left hand work...
For example, I've conditioned myself to use the slingshot technique exclusively when using pistols. If I fire until I'm empty, I don't rely on the slide lock to tell me that things aren't working. I feel that the trigger stays back... I now know that it's time to check/change mags and then use the slingshot technique to close the slide.

This skill transitions very nicely to both the AK and FAL platforms; when the trigger doesn't do anything anymore, time to check/change the mag and use the left hand to work the charging handle.

Is this technique probably slower? Sure, but, if motions are ingrained they'll allow you to focus on staying covered or moving.

Right hand work...
In my opinions, the right hand should basically keep the firearm pointed towards the target, whatever that might be, and should focus on trigger discipline. Nothing more.

Safety is overrated
The AK has a very basic safety. The FAL has a slick selector. The GLOCK doesn't have one. Some other firearms have knobs, levers, switches, buttons, widgets, and etc... I just turn them off and keep them that way when ready to go. I def. don't believe in the on target, off safe/off target, on safe philosophy.

When you are firing, your right hand should have trigger discipline ingrained into it. The more one practices this way the less one relies on some mechanical item that may get in the way.
Am I necessarily advocating Mexican-carry with a 1911? Nope... What I'm saying is that once you are shooting, the notion of a mechanical safety should go away.

Less GunSkool Technique
The less you focus on specialized technique, the more you can allow your OODA loop to focus on fighting smart. Why bother with a fast draw, when moving and drawing a little slower will probably give you a better chance to engage/disengage? Why bother with fast mag changes, when you should be doing those things on the move or behind cover, smoothly... Even if you could do a fast 1911 mag change, would that same speed/reliability transfer over to, say, a GLOCK or a goofy Euro-latched PPK?

Gun skools also tend to focus on very bogus contrived scenarios. It is like they are trying to set you up for failure just so that you can eat humble pie. Bill drill? Why bother. El Presidente? Ditto. Please, don't misconsture this to mean that you shouldn't shoot PPC/IDPA/IPSC, rather just keep in mind that it is a contrived scenario that is built around point totals and mental masturbations of sorts. "All trigger time is good time", however when the SHTF, you should be focused on keeping your ass alive and not slick mag changes, ninja skills.

Your focus should be on fighting smart; movement, cover, stalking, etc. The more you learn to keep motions and systems similar and the less you rely on you mind to deliver specialized technique, the more you can cognitively assess your smart options in your OODA loop.